September 2013 V5 I9

One thing leads to another. . . And ends up taking so much more time that it should. I apologize for the long delay, but have been working to get the school house with classes back online. I have only managed to get one page with three items so far. I think I have it figured out, however, so classes should be right behind. The first things I have put online are items in the “Book Store”. I will be looking for interesting additions for our libraries as well as prompting those designers who promised new classes. Watch for changes coming soon. Thank you very much, Karen K. of Rosewood Manor! She sent some new designs for prizes. When I opened the package, I noticed that she had signed the charts. What a treat for those receiving them.

Sue W., will win one of the new Rosewood Manor charts signed by the designer!! Joan M., Canada, will receive this month’s Birthday prize


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