November 2015 V7 I11
Please welcome a new shop: The NeedleArt Closet! The Halloween activity page on The Stitchers’ Village was a lot of fun to put together. The graphic design artist who did the update of the Village graphics created a cartoon of me and has provided a few accessories to be used in various holiday events. It was well worth the laugh I had when I put that in the portrait in the “Great Hall” of the castle graphic. As a matter of fact, it still makes me chuckle. Another “thank you” to Debbie Erickson, graphic artist. The “Hex Spot” designs that were a part of the Halloween activity page were an idea that I would like to have continue. I will be adding a group to the community so that we can share our ideas for these. I also have a few that are octagonal that I used in a class in September. These were inspired by English Paper Piecing Quilting and I will get some stitched and incorporated into a quilted piece using this method. Someday, I will, I swear! Hopefully, someone will get into the spirit and make one. There were 3 designs and a layout for them. I intended for the cat and pumpkin to be in the center and the other two to repeat around the center design. The border could be left off if it were going to be cut and sewn in a quilt. Ok, I should have put that in the explanation. When I do the group, I will.
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