August 2018 V10 I8

"Spooky Town Square" from Glendon Place

August begins with the final days of the first Mystery Stitch Bingo event on The Stitchers’ Village. The 30 day event began on July 5 with the first of 25 sections of the mystery cross stitch chart being posted in the group of the TSV community. After the last of the 25 sections was posted on Sunday, July 29, participants have 5 days to post a picture of any stitched portion of the chart in the community to be entered into drawings for prizes. Sandy W. was the grand prize winner as she was the first to post a picture of the chart completely stitched. 

August is also the final month of the Collective Stitch cross stitch event. The theme this year is Winter and there is a lovely selection of designs created for the event. Details at: 

I am preparing to attend the Kansas Stitchers retreat this weekend. It is held in Valley Falls, KS and there will be 48 in attendance. This is my second time at the retreat. Last year, I actually learned something new. Pam from Wichita taught me the pin stitch. This is an excellent method to start and stop your threads on a project. I am very grateful for her patience and persistence in teaching this to me. I look forward to the weekend. Now, I am trying to decide what projects I will take to work on over the weekend. My stitching “to do” list is long - I must prioritize. I am stitching the September Mystery Stitch Bingo design. I guess I could get away with saying I am stitching a Rosewood Manor and not be specific. Don’t want to give any clues for the September event! 

The July drawing winner is Teresa C., CO who will receive a “The Lady of the Flag” chart and bead pack from Mirabilia


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