January 2019 V11 I1
"Friendship Rose" by Stitchers' Village Designs
chart in 1/19 newsletter
Welcome 2019! My apologies - the 2018 holiday activity did not run smoothly. I attempted to speed things up with the loading of the site and it went terribly wrong - resulting in a site crash. I believe that everyone survived, but it was an interesting few days for me. The number one thing I found was that I should trust my instincts. Do not implement coding change right before an event!! Another thing that has stuck in my mind was an email from a member who suggested “I think you should try having a Blog its free and you get more exposure ”. I put this out to you, readers of the monthly newsletter, for comment. Feedback is extremely important. The Stitchers’ Village does try to be so much more than a blog. The community is an online resource where you can interact with other needlework enthusiasts, post photos of your stitching, make friends, and participate or start a stitch along, exchange, etc. I realize that there are much more visited social media sites on the internet. However, none of your information is ever shared on The Stitchers’ Village and the majority of the information is needlework related. So, when you visit the home page of the TSV community, you will, most likely, see images of needlework or comments related to stitching. I truly would like your feedback on community vs blog!
The December drawing winner: Tina K., WA Prize: “Oaken” from Stitchers’ Village Designs w/fabric, thread, & embellishments
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