May 2019 V11 I5

"Sow Good" is the Stitch This design by Stitchers' Village Designs in the 5/19 newsletter

I am struggling this month! We were on vacation April 15-May 3. I expected to get more accomplished on my computer, while away, but did not meet my expectations!! I have felt the full impact of “jet lag” since my return home. We had a wonderful time away, but the trip home was not great. Picture rerouted and cancelled flights. Sitting on the runway for 1 1/2 hours waiting for a gate to open up. Arriving at a hotel at midnight to find a line and the clerk announcing that anyone who made reservations in the last hour is out of luck. Good news - while sitting on a bench in front of the hotel in the middle of the night, an angel of a couple come to our rescue. A couple from Corpus Christi, TX told us that they found a hotel with rooms, had an Uber on the way, and invited us to share their ride. We paid them for the Uber ride, but do not recall their names. I can not thank them enough for helping us. We had been travelling for 24 hours and our minds were not in full operation. No telling what may have become of us if they had not come along. 

I hope lots of stitching is happening at your house! I need to get myself straightened out and get some done! I worked on a small project while I was gone, but not as much as I would have liked.

The April drawing winner: Diane B., LA Prize: An eighth of linen fabric from Picture This Plus


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