Collective Stitch Images
The Collective Stitch is an event designed to promote brick and mortar cross stitch shops and to create some cross stitch excitement. It is June 1 - August 31. Visitors to event shops will receive a different cross stitch chart from each shop. I know the shops are few and far between these days, but please visit them is you have an opportunity while on Summer vacation or if you find you are near one of the event shops. Also, if you have a shop near you who is not an event shop, please encourage them to join in 2020 when the theme will be "Summer". collectivestitch.comWhen I receive the charts from the designers, I put them into a uniform format for the shops to hand out. I also put together a book which contains all of the designs from that year. I do not always get an image of a stitched model. I have a design program that will generate a "faux" stitched piece. I believe that I have a winner this year for the faux stitched piece least like the actual stitched model. "Springtime Kitten" is by Christina Barron of Charmed Needles in Ontario Oregon. As you can see, the image on the left is nothing like the actual stitched piece using the over-dyed threads chosen by the designer. I knew this was a pretty design, but seeing it as it was meant to be ups that opinion to an amazing design!! I wholeheartedly apologize to designers that I do not have time to stitch all of the designs to get a real stitched model to represent each and every design. I was so proud of myself for faking that butterfly button!!
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